Sunday 18 July 2010

its a shame you dont know what your running from

apparantly im old enough for floral pants now

i am definately not a dedicated blogger. but i was re reading the old blogs, most of them just over a year ago. so i completed one year of university and dropped out, not even really bothering with many people for most of the year, which i do regret occasionally as i definately alienated myself. i miss one friend a lot but essentially all i wanted to do was leave despite him.

what have i been up to since the 4th of june? worrying mostly. but aside from that ive watched films with friends, explored parks with my boyfriend, seen someone who reterned from hong kong and complained about every weather scenario there was.

there has been a lack of getting drunk which often happens when there is such a long stretch of holiday (4 months). tempted to go to a croydon club in the week. not exited at all for it.

i feel a bit uninspired, at first my life was halted due to medical issues but ive recently decided to ignor that and come back to it next summer. id like to go to the gym but im never awake in the mornings and i make sure im busy in the afternoons and evenings.

ive already done this summer of nothing last year; and as i did no work all year im pretty sure any brain cells i ever had are disintegrating. new plan: get a hobby, get active and learn to spend some time alone without being forced to kicking and screaming.

Saturday 30 January 2010

im going to blog again

decided it was awesome. ive always been someone who needs to document life and for the last fortnight i havnt even been writing in my planner. and so it begins again...

i'll include pictures too.
i mean i do live in brighton,
the like worlds most 'alternative' yet somehow unpretentious city.
plenty to photograph :)
and i like reading it back
so to kick start
a photo of my fag bangle and i repping the centre parting

things i feel like typing:

- i just went for a jog along the seafront and i dont believe im ever going to recover.
- 4 days til i see my boyfriend who i havnt seen for a month. thats a longg time.
- i need to copy up statistic notes before i have to give the book back

peace out x